Cosmelan - what to expect
My Cosmelan experience at Light Years Skin Studio.
It’s been just over one month since I had my Cosmelan treatment at Light Years Skin Studio and, what can I say but I love my new skin! I thought I would share my Cosmelan experience to give you a sense of what to expect when you get Cosmelan and what happens after (and yes, if you are thinking about it you should definitely get it!).
Ten Things I learned after my Cosmelan treatment:
On Cosmelan application day your husband and 4 year-old will laugh at you and ask “why do you have peanut butter on your face?”
You can still go out (I had dinner with friends on Day 2) but you might want to keep your diary flexible just in case you don’t feel up to it.
There will be a couple days after the Cosmelan application (around day 5 - 7 for me) where your face feels so dry and flaky you want to rip it off (don’t!)
The gorgeous Light Years team will be your support crew, checking in to make sure you are alright and always available if you have questions…like when I over did it with the Cosmelan 2 Maintenance Cream and they reminded me that I can dilute it with Hydra Vital Factor-K cream before applying
The LED works wonders for recovery
Your friend’s will start commenting on how good your skin looks…like multiple friends…in a good way :-)
You might get asked if you have had botox (I haven’t!)
You won’t recognise just how much sun damage and pigment you had until you see the after Cosmelan results
You will become obsessed with hats, and making sure you are covered in SPF at all times (I don’t want to lose this glow!)
You can’t wait to see what else is in store…apparently the Cosmelan results can keep improving months after treatment if you stick to sun protection and Cosmelan after-care regime.