
Shave off three years, two kids, or one too many late nights.

Dermaplaning as a cosmetic procedure is simply another form of exfoliation.... it doesn’t affect the regrowth, nor does it make hair anywhere on the face or body come back thicker or darker.

— London based dermatologist Dr Sam Bunting (

Dermaplaning uses an exfoliating blade to skim dead skin cells and the soft ‘peach fuzz’ from your face. Once the fuzz and dead skin cells are removed, your skin will feel refreshed, clean and healthy. This exfoliation allows for better penetration of product, and if you wear make up, a smoother application.

Real time:

30 mins



Who for:


How much:

30 minutes Dermaplaning:

$175 for one session

$470 for three sessions

60 minutes Combination HydraFacial and Dermaplaning:

$370 for one session

$995 for three sessions

- $50 add-on LED Light Therapy for supercharged results or speak to our skin integrity experts about our memberships and value packs to suit you (add 15 minutes).

How often:

Every 4 weeks.

Before & After

Before and after dermaplaning treatment

Before and after dermaplaning treatment

During dermaplaning

During dermaplaning


 + Clearer, cleaner skin

+ Brighter, fresher complexion

+ A smooth base for absorbing topical products or applying make up 


- Congestion and blackheads 

- Peach fuzz

- Breakouts