Forma RF Treatment

Gently tighten and rejuvenate sagging skin

Rejuvenate and tighten sagging, tired or aging skin without surgery. This painless and non-invasive treatment gives your skin instant improvement but also long-term benefits by building healthier, denser, more youthful skin.




Who for:

Anyone who wants skin tightening to lift, tighten & tones the facial contours and improves tissue sagging.

How much:

$400 single session

$995 Package of 3

$100 additional area within the session.

-$50 add-on LED Light Therapy for supercharged results or speak to our skin integrity experts about our memberships and value packs to suit you (add 15 minutes).

How often:

30 Minutes

Every 1-2 weeks

(3- 6 sessions)

Forma RF Treatment is a new, painless, no-downtime treatment

The Forma RF Treatment is a unique treatment that uses radio frequency) to gently tighten and rejuvenate sagging skin. This exciting technology allows the temperature of the skin to be controlled while maintaining safety at all times and a minimal number of visits later on.

Lift a sagging jawline, improve jowls, minimize the nasolabial folds, remove under-eye bags, lift sagging upper lids and brows. The Forma facial treatment is so easy, it feels like a warm facial Forma RF works by heating the skin to the dermis and below, causing the skin to make new collagen as a result. This is in addition to the immediate contracting of superficial collagen fibers.

The effect of a Forma RF is helpful for both relatively young clients with very early signs of loose skin, and for somewhat older clients with visible sagging. Considering the high cost of a facelift, not to mention the dangers and downtime that go with one, it is a pleasure Light Years are be able to offer a treatment that can restore tighter skin and a youthful look.



+ Tighter, rejuvenated skin

+ Lift a sagging jawline

+ Lift sagging upper lids and brows


- Painful surgery

- Downtime

- Remove under eye-bags


Before and After Forma RF


  • Forma facials are becoming extremely popular because the procedure can produce visible results right away. In addition to a topical boost of collagen, Forma RF Skin Tightening also produces long-term effects because it promotes the regeneration of collagen in the skin.

    Less downtime – compared to surgical alternatives

    Long-lasting results – skin-tightening results last up to 2-5 years

  • Each client is different, so the longevity of the procedure varies from client to client. Skin health, diet, age, and other factors will all influence the results and how long they last. With this in mind, some clients experience results that last for years, with relatively few touch-ups required.

  • We recommend a course that requires one session a week for several weeks in a row before you see the final results.

  • How much does Forma RF Skin The cost of a Forma RF treatment will depend on the specific areas and the number of treatments required. We offer single and package pricing to provide affordable options.

  • Many different factors can produce loose or sagging skin. Likewise, there are a few alternatives available for clients who want to rejuvenate their skin, including Forma RF treatment. Book a skin consultation so we can advise if this is the correct Radiofrequency (RF) technology for you.